Overview of pan compiler development

Isaura Claeys


The clojure file pan_compiler.clj is the main entry point of the program. It takes care of the command line arguments, creates a new instance of the Compiler class and starts the compilation process. The program consists of different stages: Compile, Build, Valid1, Valid2 and WriteOutput. All stages, except the output stage, make use of a cache. For every stage a single ThreadPoolExecutor is created to which the different tasks are submitted. Submitting a task to a certain threadpool is done via the compiler.


Compile phase

The actual compilation is started by executing a CompileTask for every file.


First of all, an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) is created from the source file using JJTree and JavaCC. The source files are parsed corresponding to the grammar defined in PanParser.jjt. This builds a JJTree and passes the output to JavaCC in order to finally generate a parser with parse tree actions. The output can be found in src/main/target/generated-sources. To generate an AST, the parser also uses some files in the src/main/java/org/quattor/pan/parser directory.


After that, the AST nodes are converted into Statements and a Template object is created. All methods needed to convert the nodes into statements can be found in src/main/java/org/quattor/pan/parser/PanParserAstUtils.java. Statements contain operations, elements, strings or type definitions. Elements are also operations. All statements can be executed. For elements this means that the element itself is returned. During the conversion, all the statements are sequentially saved in a LinkedList. During the creation of a new Template, a SourceFile is created and all statements in the LinkedList are divided into two groups: static and normal statements.

After generating this template, the PostCompileProcessor is called. This will send the template through the build, valid1 and valid2 phases and will eventually create the output files in the requested formats. Going through all these remaining phases is implemented with nested function calls: the PostCompileProcessor will ask the result of a WriteOutputTask for the template it is currently processing. The WriteOutputTask will then ask the result from the Valid2Cache. When the result is available in the cache it will return it to the write task, otherwise it will request the result from the Valid1Cache and process it before returning it. This goes on until the BuildTask requests the result from the CompileTask.

  • CompileTimeContext: only used for executing dml statements?

Build phase

All the statements created during the previous phase are executed while maintaining a BuildContext. This context contains all defined functions, types, global and local variables, dependencies, etc. After executing the statements, defaults are inserted where there might be missing elements.

Template dependencies discovered during this phase by using the IfExists function or dependencies already discovered during the compilation phase (these will be wrapped in an IncludeStatement) will be included in the current template during execution of the IncludeStatement or the Create function.

At the end of the build phase, the result will be a HashResource (which is implemented as a tree). This tree is kept in the build context and will be passed on to the next phases.

Valid1 phase

Checks if there are undefined elements and checks the type bindings. The compiler loops over all bind statements and checks if the value associated with a certain path is of the correct type. For some types extra checks, such as range checks, may be performed as well.

Valid2 phase

Checks the object dependencies and compiles them.


The actual output is generated for every format that is passed as an argument. Every format has a corresponding Formatter class. You can find all the Formatter classes in the org/quattor/pan/output package.


SELF is initially parsed as a variable and is then converted into the corresponding operator depending on what type SELF is (SelfSimpleVariable, SelfSimpleListVariable…). This is done in PanParserAstUtils.astToVariable(). Suppose we have the following statement

'/x' = list(1);
'/x' = prepend(SELF, 2);

During execution of a statement where a SELF reference might be used, a placeholder will be created for the variable, which in this case will be a PathSelfHolder, and will be saved in the build context. If a reference to SELF should be used somewhere in the statement, we can retrieve this value from the build context. The placeholder will only be used in the second statement in our example.


All types are wrapped in a FullType object, used to completely define a type. All types, built-in and user-defined, are saved in a TypeMap in the BuildContext. The TypeMap gets the primitive built-in types from the BaseType class. This map is used to check whether a type that is used is actually defined.

Built-in types

All implementations of data types are located in src/main/java/org/quattor/pan/dml/data/. These are primitive types, which are types that don’t have default values or validation blocks, and are thus wrapped in a ConcretePrimitiveType.

User-defined types

User-defined types can be built up from the primitive types. All pan language types used to create user-defined types are defined in src/main/java/org/quattor/pan/type.

Pan language types


An AliasType associates a new name with an existing type, plus some restrictions. For example:

type mylong = long with SELF >= 5


A RecordType is a hash that explicitly names and types its children. For example:

type mytype = {
    'entry1': string
    'entry2': double(1..)


The CompositeType enables us to create user-defined lists, hashes or links. These types will contain an AliasType referring to the type of the elements contained in the composite type.


Defines a user-defined list. For example type mylist = string[] defines a list containing strings.


Defines a user-defined hash. For example type myhash = string{} defines a hash with strings as values.


A LinkType specifies the type of the link it refers to. For example: type mylink = string*. The value of this link will be a path that refers to a value, which needs to be a string.

Processing user-defined types

Let’s look again at the example for RecordType. The pan compiler will first create a FullType of string, to map entry1 to this type. It does not use the built-in StringProperty type. Later, when the compiler will need to check whether the actual values assigned to this entry are strings, the mapping of string to StringProperty in the BaseType class will be used. It will do the same for entry1. It will then create a new FullType, which will be a RecordType, that contains these two entries.


The Term class is used to index the different pan data types. For example, a HashResource can be indexed through a string and a ListResource can be indexed with a number. Since in the pan language Resources are indexed by a String- or LongProperty, these classes inherit from Term.


These classes are used to keep track of all the directories that were passed as an argument to the --include-path option and are responsible to locate files.

Adding functionality

Adding a new built-in function


  • /src/main/java/org/quattor/pan/parser/PanParserAstUtils.java

    Add the function constructor of the new function to the hashmap. This is used to check whether a function is user-defined or built-in during translation of the AST to a template.

  • /src/main/java/org/quattor/pan/dml/functions

    The implementation of the new built-in should be placed in this package. The class needs to extend the BuiltInFunction class and should be final. A new object of the built-in function is always created via the getInstance method, which should perform the actual creation of a new object after doing some checks on the input of the function.


Tests for the built-in functions are located in the /src/test/java/org/quattor/pan/dml/functions folder and use JUnit. The test class should extend the BuiltInFunctionTestUtils class, which performs some checks. To perform these checks, you should create a test-method called checkGetInstance that calls checkClassRequirements. The test should have separate tests for every Exception that can be thrown, as well as separate tests for every possible use of the function. There are two ways to test the execution of the function: using runDml, which is a test method, or creating a CompileTimeContext and executing the function via the context.

All functions also have test files written in pan itself. To add such a test for a new function, add the test files to src/test/pan/Functionality/. The files should have the name of the function with a number attached to it. At the beginning of such a file, you can specify some settings. These are normally placed at the beginning of the file and should be inserted as comments. It is mandatory to define the expected outcome. These settings are parsed in panc/src/test/java/org/quattor/pan/utils/TestUtils.java.

Expected outcome

You can declare whether the expected result will be an exception or a value in the tree. If you expect a SyntaxException to be thrown, you would place the following line in the file:

@expect=org.quattor.pan.exception.SyntaxException regex

where regex is optional. If you expect a specific result, you should use an XPath. For example:


Expected dependencies

You can declare what dependencies you expect from the source file. This should be declared as follows:

dep: template_name


You can specify a specific formatter to use for the compilation. For example: @format=pan. The default formatter is the pan formatter.


The javadoc is automatically generated by maven when building the project. The online documentation of the built-in functions is kept separate. All online documentation is located in the pan/panc-docs/ folder. To add information about a new function, add it to the panc-docs/source/standard-functions/standard-functions.rst file and to the Functions section in panc-docs/source/pan-book/pan-book.rst. This documentation is written in reStructuredText. Mind that all functions are sorted alphabetically.


Complete build of the whole project

  • Including tests mvn clean package

  • Without tests mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean package

Building panc

  • Including tests mvn -pl panc clean package

  • Without tests mvn -pl panc -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean package

  • Without tests and javadoc mvn -pl panc -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true clean package

Running tests

  • All tests, including the clojure tests mvn -pl panc test

  • Single test class mvn -pl panc -Dtest=X test where X is the name of the test you want to run.

  • Multiple test classes mvn -pl panc -Dtest=Test1,Test2 test

  • Single method in a specific class mvn -pl panc -Dtest=Test#method test

  • Multiple methods in a specific class mvn -pl panc -Dtest=Test#method1+method2 test

  • All clojure tests mvn -pl panc clojure:test

Running the project

After building the project, all created files will be located in the panc/target/ folder. The built project can be executed on the command line as follows:

java -cp path_to/panc/target/panc-10.3-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.quattor.pan.pan_compiler [OPTIONS]

Tracing with BTrace

Sometimes it can be useful to have a full trace of the internals of the pan compiler during compilation. For java, one can obtain one rather easily with BTrace. With BTrace one can easily add more tracing information and allows quick customisation. BTrace comes with a lot of samples, and the code below is a combination of 4 of those samples (AllCall3, AllLines, AllMethods and OnThrow).

The output is very verbose and contains 3 things:

  • Every line number in any used quattor.org class, e.g.
  • Every method call in any used quattor.org class, e.g.
entered org.quattor.pan.type.AliasType.verifySubtypesDefined
  this = custom
  [custom, ]
  • Every throw exception from anywhere in the code as a stack trace, e.g.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.quattor.pan.tasks.BuildResult


Get latest BTrace release and unpack it.

Copy/paste following BTrace code in a file called QuattorBTrace.java

 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the Classpath exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

package org.quattor;

import com.sun.btrace.AnyType;
import com.sun.btrace.annotations.*;
import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.*;

public class QuattorBTrace {
    // Print all lines in org.quattor
    // From samples AllLines
        location=@Location(value=Kind.LINE, line=-1),
    public static void online(@ProbeClassName String pcn, @ProbeMethodName String pmn, int line) {
        println(pcn + "." + pmn +  ":" + line);

    // Print all methods in org.quattor
    // From samples/AllMethods and AllCalls3
        location=@Location(value=Kind.CALL, clazz="/.*/", method="/.*/")
    public static void m(@Self Object o, @ProbeClassName String pcn, @ProbeMethodName String pmn, AnyType[] args) {
        print("entered " + pcn);
        println("." + pmn);
        println("  this = " + o);

    // From sample/OnThrow
    // store current exception in a thread local
    // variable (@TLS annotation). Note that we can't
    // store it in a global variable!
    @TLS static Throwable currentException;

    // introduce probe into every constructor of java.lang.Throwable
    // class and store "this" in the thread local variable.
    public static void onthrow(@Self Throwable self) {
        currentException = self;

    public static void onthrow1(@Self Throwable self, String s) {
        currentException = self;

    public static void onthrow1(@Self Throwable self, String s, Throwable cause) {
        currentException = self;

    public static void onthrow2(@Self Throwable self, Throwable cause) {
        currentException = self;

    // when any constructor of java.lang.Throwable returns
    // print the currentException's stack trace.
    public static void onthrowreturn() {
        if (currentException != null) {
            currentException = null;


Compile the BTrace code

export JAVA_HOME=....
path_to/bin/btracec QuattorBTrace.java

This will create org/quattor/QuattorBTrace.class file.

You can now debug/trace pan compilations by adding the following option to java


(or with panc

panc --java-opts "-javaagent:build/btrace-agent.jar=stdout=true,noServer=true,script=org/quattor/QuattorBTrace.class" profile.pan
