Packages are available from our yum repository, both the RPMs and the repository metadata are signed with my GPG key.
As always, many thanks to everyone who contributed! We merged 126 pull requests and resolved 68 issues.
The next release should be 16.12.0, take a look at the backlog to see what we’re working on.
Backwards Incompatible Changes
- ncm-opennebula: Use resource dictionaries instead of lists
- ncm-spma: Refactor schema and only include relevant types
- Fix tests
- Improved interface for partitions_add()
- Make monitoring optional
- Preferred console should not be mandatory
- functions/package: add a comment/description to pkg_compare_version funciton
- types/metadata: add optional id and timestamp to the branch_type
- Add memcache server for horizon
- Add openvswitch + other fixes
- Additional ha config
- Fix OS_MEMCACHE_HOSTS variable name
- Generalise HA Specific config.
- Horizon tweaks
- Keepalived virtual router ID
- Logging changes
- Mitaka
- Mitaka nova api
- More flexible keystone wsgi
- Rename variables
- Revert “Add mongodb user as kept_users”
- Update keystone authentication to take into account changes in Mitaka
- Add configuration options for new features in ceph jewel:
- metaconfig: service ncm-ncd: add new config options
- ncm-accounts, ncm-amandaserver, ncm-cups, ncm-iptables, ncm-nscd: Use legacy type for simple yes/no strings
- ncm-accounts: Add users and groups used by RabbitMQ, Memcached and MongoDB
- ncm-aiiserver: do not add (empty) attributes for unused CCM properties
- ncm-aiiserver: support changing cachedir and some cleanup
- ncm-ccm: support purge_time config setting.
- ncm-download: fix GSSAPI on GET requests.
- ncm-download: fix proxy handling.
- ncm-fstab, ncm-filesystems: pass logger to NCM::Blockdevices
- ncm-fstab: enable NoAction support.
- ncm-gpfs: add new hdfs-protocol package to GPFSRPMS
- ncm-metaconfig: Include opennebula aii conf
- ncm-metaconfig: device-mapper: fix for parse errors in multipath.conf
- ncm-metaconfig: hadoop config
- ncm-metaconfig: libvirtd include support to setup VM domains
- ncm-metaconfig: nginx fix ssl conf
- ncm-opennebula: Include OneFlow support
- ncm-opennebula: Use resource dictionaries instead of lists
- ncm-opennebula: config template cleanup
- ncm-postgresql: clean up documentation
- ncm-profile: documentation clean up
- ncm-puppet: documentation clean up
- ncm-resolver: clean up documentation
- ncm-sendmail: clean up documentation
- ncm-spma: Refactor schema and only include relevant types
- ncm-spma: clean up documentation
- ncm-ssh: documentation clean up
- ncm-sudo: clean up documentation
- ncm-symlink: clean up documentation
- ncm-sysconfig: documentation clean up
- ncm-sysctl: clean up documentation
- ncm-syslog: documentation clean up
- ncm-syslogng: clean up documentation
- ncm-systemd: Fix links where they should not be used
- ncm-systemd: unmask masked units before state change
- ncm-useraccess: clean up documentation
- add support for vfat filesystems
- Make it possible to pass a logger to NCM::Blockdevices
- fix path for parted on EL6
- Add new CVMFS repository
- DML should not change a global variable directly
- Security trust: miscellaneous updates
- Update ca from 1.60 to 1.73 + Add debug info on ca repository
- cvmfs client improvements
- cvmfs: use PKG_VERSION_xxx to test pkg_compare_version() return values
- fetch-crl: use metaconfig instead of sysconfig
- filesystem/config: add support for configuring a biosboot partition (legacy BIOS or UEFI)
- get cvmfs-config-default for newer versions of cvmfs
- perfsonar: update (simplify) the RPM list
- CLI: get the NOQUATTOR constants from CCM::Fetch::Config
- Collection of fixes for minor issues
- ComponentProxy: untaint config version with version regex match
- ComponentProxyList: set_state: improved reporting with empty message
- Improved tabcompletion and CLI cleanup
- ncm-ncd: fix typo in log message
- Configuration: add name
- Correct cfgfile option in ccm-fetch and ccm-initialise pod
- Fetch: fetchProfile pod: replace -1 with used $ERROR
- Fetch::Config: export the NOQUATTOR constants
- Remove directory of ancient documentation
- Remove unused context and preprocessor options
- Syncfile: cleanup unused code and remove any hint that something is (un)locked
- Textrender: fix link which fails documentation build
- ccm-fetch and ccm-initialise: log to file/syslog
- ccm-fetch report changed profile
- ccm-fetch: add missing CCM::Fetch
- ccm-fetch: initCfg is required to get correct permissions
- ccm-fetch: rephrase group_readable/world_readable config options
- change default DB format to CDB_File
- improve tabcompletion to support ncm-ncd
- Ensure that state of iptables and firewalld services are consistently defined
- el6.x: Minor changes to some rpms templates
- rpms/quattor-development: add perl-XML-Simple required by AII unit tests
- rpms/quattor-development: add perl-XML-Simple required by AII unit tests
- .gitignore: add IDE projet files
- Add pod syntax tests
- Allow components as userhooks
- Shellfe: Correct handling when fetchProfile returns an error
- Shellfe: report all perl warnings
- aii-ks: fix logging of pre and post script actions for EL7
- aii-opennebula: configure fix
- ks: schema: bonding is optional and best-effort when not defined
- Remove ncm-gold component
- Remove ncm-moab component, replaced by metaconfig service moab
- ncm-maui: cleanup
- ncm-yaim: clean up documentation
- ncm-yaim_userconf: clean up documentation
- remove ncm-yaim* components
- Improved handling of missing CPE
- Only touch statefiles for active, to be dispatched components
- Proper initialisation on ICLIST list of components
- Remove CDISPD::Utils custom escape
- Utils: use NCD::ComponentProxyList set_state function to set the statefile
- ncm-cdispd: add verbose_logfile
- ncm-cdispd: report sleep when no updated profile found with debug 1
- CAF: Various fixes which fail documentation build
- Kerberos: get a TGT using kinit as part of create_credential_cache
- Kerberos: harden the logging of GSSAPI arguments
- Lock: make sure the CAF::Reporter is usable when no log instance is passed
- Path: untaint paths
- Reporter: support VERBOSE_LOGFILE to always log verbose to logfile